Quality Construction Work

Wooden Beavers is a construction company located in Utah. We specialize in wooden constructions made from the ground up. We only use the best materials for our work. All projects are developed using old school carpentry methods.

Wooden Beavers Playground

Long Beard

When we start a new project, you can expect 100% quality and craftsmanship. All projects include no-nonsense tools and materials. On top of this, we also make sure to give an authentic appearance and that includes a well groomed beard.

Lumberjack Shirt

No construction job would seem authentic without us wearing Lumberjack Shirts. No matter how hot it is outside, you should expect us to wear our signature red and black lumberjack shirts. On special occasions, we wear blue denim shirts.

Masculine Armpits

When getting real close, you will be greeted with the true essence of masculine woodworking. A sent including (but not limited to) hints of coffee, leather, pinewood, tobacco, grease, oil, old tools, rust and of course, molted old forest cabin.

Let's work together

If you have a creative project in mind, get in contact with Wooden Beavers today! When it comes to quality woodworking, we are the first you should call. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Wooden Beavers
4716 Kemper Lane
Salt Lake City, Utah, 84104
Phone: 801-927-7117

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